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Most Popular

Creation of the Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation

Only 67 years after PHBA became an official equine color breed registry, a group of Palomino breeders, enthusiasts and leaders create a Palomino Heritage Foundation. Read more

2022 Convention Brings Joy and Celebrations

2022 Convention Brings Joy and Celebrations Read more

About the Parade Horse

The Golden Palomino horse has historically been synonymous with popular parades of the day. Palominos are always an expected crowd pleaser at local, state and national parades such as The Rose Bowl Parade, held in Pasadena, CA.
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Plan Your Palomino Heritage Museum Visit

Are you looking for some easy (and low cost) getaways this summer? The Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation Museum in Tulsa, OK is your perfect getaway! Free admission and free parking! Read more

Birth of the Palomino Horse Breeders of America

At the suggestion of Chester R. Upham, a group of interested Palomino owners and enthusiasts met at his Mandeville Canyon Ranch for the purpose of forming a Palomino registry and association. Read more